Tedi Africa
- Location: Nairobi, Kenya
- Mission : Tackling Poverty through…

Mental health family
- Location: Kampala, Uganda
- Mission: To ensure all refugees…

Smart Lenz Team
- Location: Kampala – Uganda
- Mission: To contribute towards…

WeFocus Agency
- Location: Egypt
- Mission: Improve access to education and …

Assorted Energies International
- Location:Zimbabwe Tongogara Refugee Camp

- Location: Kyaka II Uganda
- Mission: Nous jeunes vivants…

Botanica repellent
- Location: Nakivale refugee camp, Uganda
- Mission: To have Malaria free refugee…

Rêve voyageur
- Location: Morocco
- What they do: Raise awareness about ….

Groupe des jeunes sportifs réfugiés au Maroc
- Location: Morocco
- Project that GRYN is Funding: The pur …

Kalobeyei Umoja Association
- Location: Kalobeyei-Kenya
- Mission: Our mission is to empower…

Women and Children at Risk (WCR)
- Location: Uganda
- What they do: Helping vulnerable women…

South Africa Refugee-Led Network Youth Desk
- Location: South Africa
- Mission: We are a network of refugees…

Youth Drive Self Help Group

MonyQadow Enterprise
- Location: Kakuma/Dadaab/Nairobi Kenya
- Mission: MonyQadow’s mission is…

Tawakal youth organization
- Location: Nairobi, Kenya
- Mission: To create a generation…

Mutu ni Mutu group
- Location: Uganda- Kiryandongo Refugee Settlement

Alpha TechRoom
- Location: Malawi Dzaleka Refugee Camp

Nawezaa Media
- Location: Nairobi, Kenya
- Mission:Supporting the engagement of…

Refugee Child’s Coalition for Climate Action
- Location: Zimbabwe-Tongogara Refugee camp
- Mission: To educate children and youths about climate change so …

Rendezvous Youth Group
- Location: Kampala -Uganda
- Mission: To create opportunities for youth to be self-reliant through …

Youth Voices Community (YVC)
- Location: Nairobi, Kenya
- Mission: Under this 3Ts Principle we seek To advocate – Amplify voices of refugees …